City of Calexico - 6th Cycle of RHNA Housing Element Update Survey
Please check the boxes of the affordable housing programs and policies that interest you
Accessory Dwelling Units
Inclusionary Housing
Keep Affordable Housing
Mixed Use Opportunities
Please check the boxes for the programs that interest you which would increase or provide additional Community Assistance
Homebuyer Assistance
Housing Information
Housing Rental Assistance
Property Maintenance
Please check the boxes of the programs to promote Fair Housing that interest you
Environmental Justice
Persons with Disabilities
Promote Fair Housing
Senior Housing
Check the boxes of programs and policies to streamline development process to encourage the development of housing that interest you
Development Codes
Development Fees
Project Processing
Check the boxes indicating how you would like the City to prioritize potential housing opportunities in Calexico
Near Schools and Parks
Vacant Land for new developments
Underutilized Commercial Areas
Accessory Dwelling Units on Existing Residential Lots
Mixed-Use Developments to promote housing and commercial uses in the same area
Do you work, live, or own property in Calexico?
Own Property
All of the above
What is your age?
19 – 30
31 – 45
46 – 64
65 and Older
Prefer not to answer
What is your household Income?
Under $35,350 per year
$35,351 - $56,560 per year
$56,561 - $84,840 per year
$84,841 or above per year
Prefer not to answer
Do you have any additional comments you would like to provide to the City?
Current Progress,
0 of 9 answered