1. Default Section

Question Title

This survey is designed to assess the quality of services provided to you by the Iowa Poison Control Center (IPCC). Your input is highly valued as it provides an opportunity for us to address areas of concern in ways that are responsive to the needs of your practice. Please click on the rating that best describes your satisfaction level. Thank you very much.

This survey is designed to assess the quality of services provided to you by the Iowa Poison Control Center (IPCC). Your input is highly valued as it provides an opportunity for us to address areas of concern in ways that are responsive to the needs of your practice. Please click on the rating that best describes your satisfaction level. Thank you very much.<br><br>

Question Title

* 1. What is your profession

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* 2. What is your primary practice site?

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* 3. What county do you work in?

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* 4. Please complete the section below if you have called the Iowa Poison Control Center

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Calls were answered promptly
Poison specialists were knowledgeable
Poison specialists were courteous and professional
I was satisfied with the information provided

Question Title

* 5. If you do not call the Iowa Poison Control Center for all poisonings, please indicate the reason(s) why you do not call (Check all that apply).

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* 6. My primary source of poison information comes from:

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* 7. Have you read the Poison Hotline, the Iowa Poison Control Center's electronic monthly e-newsletter for health care professionals? Past issues of the Poison Hotline newsletter are archived on the web site at www.iowapoison.org under the health care providers tab.

Question Title

* 8. What is your overall rating of the services that the Iowa Poison Control Center provides?

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* 9. Do you have any further comments or suggestions on how we can improve our service to health professionals?