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Green Heron
Submit Your Story: BirdNote's Storytelling Hour
Thank you for pitching your story for BirdNote's Storytelling Hour! To view guidelines for submissions, visit

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* 1. First & Last Name

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* 2. Email Address

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* 3. Location (city, state/country)

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* 4. Please summarize your story (Tell us about a specific, true experience you had while photographing birds. Focus on one event or moment — i.e., what happened, what was at stake, and how it affected you.)

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* 5. Why do you think this story will resonate with an audience? (Is it funny, heartwarming, surprising, or inspiring? What emotions does it evoke?)

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* 6. Will your story fit into a 5-7 minute timeframe?

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* 7. Are you available to share your story live at BirdNote's Virtual Storytelling Hour on Wednesday, March 26th at 12pm PST / 3pm EST?

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* 8. Do you give BirdNote permission to record and share your story as part of the event?

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* 9. Please upload any relevant photos.

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.