1. Quality Assurance Questionnaire

Completion of this form by a facility representative is voluntary.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter the date you are completing this questionnaire:


Question Title

* 2. Please enter your Facility Information:

Question Title

* 5. Enter your State License Number:

Question Title

* 6. Survey Date:


Question Title

* 7. Please enter survey TEAM MEMBERS and their ROLE:
(for example: Jane Doe, Dietician)

Question Title

* 8. Please respond to each question below

  Yes No
1. Did the team members clearly identify themselves?
2. Was an entrance conference performed reviewing the functions and purpose of the survey and explaining responsibilities of the facility staff?
3. Was each team member professional and courteous?
4. Did your staff benefit from the team members' knowledge of the regulations?
5. Was information provided by the team members (explanation of the problem areas, observations, etc.) consistent with the regulations?
6. Were issues of non-compliance explained in a clear, concise manner, with examples cited?
7. Was a thorough exit conference conducted allowing for responses from the facility staff?
8. At the completion of the exit conference, did you have a clear understanding of the expectations of your facility in terms of noted areas?

Question Title

* 9. Please feel free to expand or provide additional comments on any responses on the questionnaire:
(max 2,000 characters)