School Improvement Survey for Parents

A successful school builds partnerships and organizes resources (programs and services) to support the successful development of students. Communities and Families must work together to address successful development of our youth. Please answer the following questions about programs for your child(ren).

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* 1. What school does your child attend?

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* 2. Does your child(children) attend an after school program at their school?

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* 3. How many days per week does your child attend an after school program at their school?

i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 4. Why did you enroll in your child (children) in the after school program at their school? (Check all that apply)

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* 5. What have been the benefits of participating in the after school program for your child (children)?

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* 6. A successful school is designed to meet the academic and social-emotional needs of  children in school.  Sometimes children have challenges in their lives that make school success difficult.  Please provide us with your thoughts about how we could help your child be more successful  in school and beyond:

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* 7. What kinds of challenges do children who you know (in this community) face that make success in school difficult?

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* 8. What kinds of programs and services do you think would help your child(ren) have greater success in school? (check all that apply)

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* 9. What activities for adults would you like to see offered at your child's school?

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* 10. Would you be willing to talk in a discussion group about student needs?

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* 11. Would you be willing to work with us to develop programs & services to ensure student success?

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* 12. Where does the family access the internet, web, social media?