Street Theologian Subscriber Survey

Our Substack subscribers (excluding Medium subscribers) cover 37 US States and 35 countries. By comparison, however, we have only ever received feedback from a small handful of subscribers from a few countries and states. We'd love to close this gap and hear from more of our readers. We appreciate your support and continued reading. Your feedback means a lot to us. Please be open and honest. God bless you all in Christ. 
1.What's your email address (optional)?
2.What's your favourite Street Theologian article and why? What's your least favourite and why? 
3.How did you find out about Street Theologian? 
4.Which of the categories of Street Theologian articles below would you normally read?
5.How would you rate Street Theologian articles in terms of quality?
6.What types of articles would you like to see more of?
7.Do you receive Street Theologian emails at a rate you are happy with?
8.What are your thoughts on an ideal article length going forward?
9.Have Street Theologian articles helped you at all? What other feedback would you like to provide on how we can improve and what we might be doing well?
10.If Street Theologian continues to grow and we have increased opportunities to reach more people/ engage in more thorough research/ pursue alternate modes of publishing, would you ever be interested in potentially considering financial support to further our reach and deepen our knowledge?