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* 1. Please provide your details

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* 2. Do you have multiple sites? If so, please list here

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* 3. Which description best suits your business?

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* 4. NOS are reviewed every five years to ensure they are up to-date with industry practice. Has your manufacturing process changed significantly in the past five years?

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* 5. A Functional Map is an overview of the key functions within job roles across the industry and is vital to the training and qualification development process. The Functional Map for ‘Sustainability for Fashion and Textiles Manufacturing’ can be found here. Please tick the box if you agree with…

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* 6. NOS are statements that define best practise, describe key functions within a job role and the standard an individual must achieve when carrying out these functions in the workplace. Five new standards have been developed to cover sustainability in manufacturing job roles.

1.Health, safety and sustainability in fashion and textiles manufacturing
2. Coordinate fashion and textiles waste for reuse
3. Coordinate fashion and textiles waste for recycling
4. Coordinate fashion and textiles products and materials for repair
5. Reduce fashion and textiles production waste

Have we got them right?
Please follow this link to see the standards including the job role overview, the performance and the knowledge criteria. On review please tick the box if you agree with...

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* 7. We are also looking to include supervisory and management functions within the Sustainability for Fashion and Textiles Manufacturing NOS suite. There is already NOS developed and approved that could cover these areas, as listed below.

Tick up to ten which you think are top priority and should be added.

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* 8. Overall NOS suites should reflect best working practice in the industry. Does the suite you have reviewed do this?

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* 9. Do you agree with the overall title of the suite: Sustainability in Fashion and Textiles Manufacturing

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* 10. An English to Welsh language translation of this NOS Suite can be made available on request. Is this something you require?

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* 11. Any further recommendations, observations or comments

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