Rep. Chris Croft: Citizen Survey
Share your thoughts with your state representative.
Your name
Your street address with city, state, ZIP
Your email address
Which issue do you consider the most important for Kansas government?
Jobs and the economy
Taxes and spending
Roads and infrastructure
K-12 education
Welfare programs
Medical research
Marijuana legalization
Other (please specify)
When it comes to K-12 public schools, at this time do you think the state should put more emphasis on:
Academic results
Parental involvement
College prep
Life skills / personal budgeting / workforce prep
Social-emotional learning
Other (please specify)
When it comes to state taxes, which state tax would you most like to see reduced:
Income tax
Sales tax
Property tax
State taxes should not be reduced.
If you could increase state spending in one area, what would it be?
Welfare benefits
K-12 schools
Colleges and universities
Highway construction / infrastructure
State government employee pay raises
Public safety / crime
Broadband access
Advanced energy solutions
The state is already spending enough.
Other (please specify)
Current Progress,
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