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General Information

Shaun D. Black, PhD wishes to thank you for completing this survey on your experience with Chlorpheniramine maleate. Your feedback will help him publish his work on this vital over-the-counter drug and make this knowledge more widely available. Your information will be kept strictly confidential; only statistical summaries will ever appear in print. Your participation is entirely voluntary and completion of the survey indicates your consent to participate.

If you would rather not complete this on-line questionnaire, please contact Dr. Black at 903-581-7539 or to arrange for a paper survey or a personal interview.

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* 1. Demographic information

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* 2. Please say how you took Chlorpheniramine (choose one option that best describes your situation)

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* 3. What dose of Chlorpheniramine did you take? (please select only one)

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* 4. Date of known exposure to the CoVID-19 Coronavirus? (please leave blank if unknown)


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* 5. Date of your CoVID-19 viral antigen test (PCR or other; please leave blank if not tested)


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* 6. Supplements, vitamins, and prescriptions you take

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* 7. Results of your CoVID-19 test? (please leave blank if inapplicable)

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* 8. When did you become ill with CoVID-19 and begin to experience symptoms? (please leave blank if inapplicable)


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* 9. Which symptoms did you experience when you were ill with CoVID-19? (select all appropriate)

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* 10. How ill did you become after you contracted CoVID-19?

0 (no symptoms) 100 (gravely ill)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 11. Were you hospitalized?

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* 12. Your co-morbidities or conditions (please check all applicable chronic conditions)

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* 13. How many days were you ill with CoVID-19?

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* 14. How much do you believe that Chlorpheniramine helped during your CoVID-19 disease?

No effect Curative
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 15. Please provide any other information or feedback that you feel would be helpful to this retrospective study

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* 16. Thank you so much for contributing your information and feedback. Dr. Black truly appreciates your time and thoughtfulness! If you have any other comments, please note them below . . .

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