Retaining Clinic Staff Survey
Should the Division assist with organizing longitudinal care for your clinic staff?
We are aware that a lack of practice staff access to longitudinal care is a material recruitment and retention issue, and that accessing care directly at the workplace can pose risks. The Victoria and South Island Divisions are seeking your feedback whether we should assist with a matching program in which South Island physicians would see Victoria clinic staff and vice versa. This would avoid the potential negative impacts of staff accessing care at the workplace, such as privacy breaches, conflict of interest situations where staff/patients are not provided unbiased care, erosion of relationships within the workplace, and medico-legal risks for the physicians.
Prior to contemplating a matching program, we asked the Physician Health Program (PHP) at DoBC if they could provide matching for clinic staff as they do for physicians. However, the PHP doesn’t have capacity for this but will meet with us so we can learn from their systems.
Please let us know your feedback.
Do you experience issues as described above with your clinic staff?
Would you be willing to provide longitudinal care for clinic staff from South Island, if, in exchange, your clinic staff could receive longitudinal care from a South Island clinic?
Not Applicable
If you answered yes to Q2, please provide your name for Division follow up.
Do you have another suggestion to remedy the issue described in the introduction? If so, please provide it here. You can also use this space to provide any other comments.
Thank you so much for your time!