Outer Banks Community Foundation Grants Feedback Survey

We welcome any and all comments and feedback about our grant program. Your input will help us build a better grants program. Please share any observations about our grants process, criteria, communications materials, or decisions.

Please do not use this form for submitting a request for a grant. If you are seeking a grant and wish to submit a request, please go to our website, www.obcf.org/grants, for information on how to apply.

Your responses to this survey are anonymous; however, if you would like a call or email back from staff, there is space below where you can provide your contact information. Or, if you would like to provide feedback directly to our staff, please contact us at 252-423-3003.

Thank you for your time and candid feedback!

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* 1. Please share your comments and feedback about the Outer Banks Community Foundation's grants program.

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* 2. Please identify the experience that led to your comments.

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* 3. Although this survey is intended to be anonymous, please feel free to share your contact information if you would like a follow-up call from our staff.

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* 4. Please feel free to use this space to share any other information or feedback you would like to provide.