BipolarThriving Caregiver Support Groups SignUp

I am happily living in recovery from severe bipolar I disorder with psychosis, including major depression, after first being diagnosed over 20 years ago. I provide one-on-one coaching to caregivers and their loved ones with bipolar disorder as well as caregiver support groups based on my lived experience and training (detailed here: The fee for one-on-one sessions is $150 for 45 minutes, and for support groups, it is $50 for a 45-minute session with 5 bipolar caregivers. If you are interested, please complete this brief survey. Thank you!
1.First name
3.I am interested in participating in caregiver support groups.
4.If Yes to 3, what time are you available for Weekday 45-minute coaching sessions? Please pick all that apply.
5.I am interested in one-on-one coaching.
6.If Yes to 5, what time are you available for Weekday 45-minute coaching sessions? Please pick all that apply.
7.If yes to 5, who for?
8.I am interested in bipolar education sessions led by a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner?
9.If Yes to 8, how much would you be willing to pay for a 5-person education session led by a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner?
10.If Yes to 8, how much would you be willing to pay for a 10-person education session led by a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner?
11.I am interested in bipolar education sessions led by a Psychiatrist.
12.If Yes to 11, how much would you be willing to pay for a 5-person group education session led by a Psychiatrist?
13.If Yes to 11, how much would you be willing to pay for a 10-person group education session led by a Psychiatrist?
14.What services would help you?
15.Please share any other feedback.