Question Title

* 1. How would you rate your experience with the store?

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* 2. How would you rate the product selection?

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* 3. What category do you primarily shop for? Select your top three.

Question Title

* 4. What is your main purpose for purchases on the store? Please rank options below. (1-Most important; 5-Least important)

To rank: drag options and put in desired order, or use the arrow key to assign a number.

Question Title

* 5. Please choose the price range below that best indicates your budget when shopping on your company store: (Select one)

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* 6. Please choose the quantity range that best fits your buying needs: (Select one)

Question Title

* 7. When choosing a promotional item to purchase, what factors are the most important? Please rank (1-Most important; 5-Least important)

To rank: drag options and put in desired order, or use the arrow key to assign a number.

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* 8. What items would you like to see added that aren't currently offered?

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* 9. Select your region.

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* 10. Enter your company name.

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* 11. How could we improve your experience on the store?

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* 12. Thank you for your feedback! Sign up for our newsletter and be entered for a chance to win a $25 gift card to your company store.