2024 Q4 Pulse of Lighting Market Survey 2024 has been a challenging year for the lighting industry. Supply chain issues in other product categories impacted lighting. Inflation, and hence interest rates, may have delayed some projects. WFH has hung over the office construction market and the general mailase of the economy slowed the market.But, there are still opportunities in every market, which means that there are opportunities to take share! And lighting is still one of the top 3 product categories for distributors, and hence very important to the electrical distribution industry.While some companies may have despair, others are winning (or at least meeting their goals!)The year is coming to an end and January brings a new day with a clean slate and new opportunities.With the ending of the quarter, we'd appreciate it if you could spare 3 minutes (or less) of your time and share what you are seeing in your market for our 2024 Q4 Pulse of Lighting survey. Your input provides you a free industry report later this month.Thank you to William Blair for enabling us to offer this service to the industry.All information is consolidated, and no respondent information is shared. Input is confidential and your contact information is requested solely so we can send you a copy of the report.Thank you for your support and happy selling! Question Title * Are you a distributor, manufacturer or lighting agent / rep Distributor Manufacturer Mgmt Mfg Sales (Direct, Rep or Lighting Agent) 10% of survey complete. Next