Registration form

Question Title

* Name

Question Title

* Phone number

Question Title

* Company

Question Title

* Member of National Association/federation (if applicable)

Question Title

* 10 October (09:30-16:30): Will you be attending the 7th European Security Summit?

Question Title

* 10 October (19:00-22:00): Will you be attending the reception and dinner at the Mauritshuis?

Due to the limited number of places for the dinner, we kindly ask you to inform us ( if your agenda would no longer allow you to attend.

Question Title

* Do you have any dietary restrictions? (if yes, please specify)

Question Title

* DISCLAIMER on data protection: By registering for this event, I agree that my personal data will be processed by CoESS (avenue des Arts 56, 1000 Brussels, Belgium) for registration and handling purposes. Any personal data will be solely used in accordance with current EU and Belgian data protection legislation and will not be disclosed to a third party without the registrant's written consent. If you do not submit the data indicated as "required", we cannot complete your registration.

Question Title

* DISCLAIMER on photographs and videos: CoESS reserves the right to photograph and record the webinar and all its attendees and to use these photographs and videos in any internal and external communication related to CoESS including, but not limited to, its websites, social media pages, newsletters, publications and annual reports. By registering for the event, the registrant explicitely agrees to the use of his/her image in any CoESS publicity material without any compensation and to be included in future CoESS communications.