TAAAC Member Survey

The answers to this survey are for internal TAAAC purposes and will not be shared with anyone outside our union.
1.Your Name (optional)
2.Your School(s) (optional)
3.How many years have you worked in education?
4.How many years have you worked in AACPS?
5.On a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, how are you feeling?
6.Are you considering leaving the education profession?
7.What is the number one concern or issue you are experiencing right now?
8.Is this issue:
9.Who has the power to resolve this issue?
10.Is there a specific solution that would resolve the problem? If yes, what?
11.What can your union do to support resolving this issue?
12.If this is a contractual issue, would you be willing to speak with your TAAAC UniServ Director and potentially file a grievance?