2023 Yellowhead Road & Bridge Community Feedback

2023 Spring Provincial Highway and Sideroad Feedback Survey

Yellowhead Road and Bridge is responsible for maintenance on all provincial highways and sideroads outside municipalities throughout the West Kootenay and Boundary regions. 

This survey is intended for us to learn from your experience this past winter and helping us prioritize efforts for this upcoming summer. Any feedback you have for us is greatly appreciated. 
1.What takes you out on winter highways?
2.What part of the West Kootenay and Boundary regions do you travel around the most? 
3.On average, how often do you travel outside of your home community in winter?
4.WINTER - In general, how  did we do on winter maintenance in 2022/23
5.WINTER - Where did we do well?
6.WINTER - Where do you think we could do better?
7.WINTER - Is there anything specific you suggest we should do differently?
8.SUMMER - What is your top road maintenance priority for us to focus on this summer?
9.SUMMER - Is there anything specific that you would like to see addressed? The more specific your answer, the easier it will be for us to respond. (i.e. The corner of Hwy XX and 1st Avenue needs the brush cleared to improve sightlines)
10.Have you had an interaction with our staff over the last six months; called our toll free number, spoke with any of our staff over the phone or in the field, etc.

How did we do?
11.Are there any highway operations topics that you'd like to know more about? Follow us on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook we'll try to answer any questions we can!
12.Do you have any other feedback for us?