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Thank you for taking this 8-minute survey to help the Town of Oak Island update its Comprehensive CAMA Land Use Plan. When completed, this plan will help to guide growth and development over the next 20 years. The Town’s current comprehensive plan was adopted in January of 2017 and it is time to update it to ensure the Town is serving the needs of the current residents and proactively preparing for the future.

Your input is important to this process. The feedback gathered from this survey is important in shaping the Plan’s goals and recommendations.

Please note the first two questions of this survey relate to the 10 goals from the Town's current/previous Comprehensive Plan. A goal is a desired result that a person, system, or organization envisions, plans, and commits to achieve. It is a desired endpoint of some sort of assumed development. With your help, we can understand progress made towards achieving goals outlined in the 2017 plan, and how relevant they are today and moving forward into the future. This will allow the Town to redefine new goals within the community as part of the Comprehensive Plan update.

Link to 2017 Comprehensive Plan:

Question Title

* 1. To what extent have the following goals from the previous comprehensive plan been improved in Oak Island since 2017?

  Not Improved Somewhat Improved Improved Unsure
Maintain and enhance “family beach atmosphere”
Pursue beach renourishment
Protect the Town’s trees
Improve community design/appearance
Consider fiscal impacts on the Town in all deliberations
Expand recreational opportunities
Expand multi-modal transportation options
Consider environmental impacts in decision making
Enhance development code and code enforcement
Pursue on-going economic development within Oak Island

Question Title

* 2. To what extent are the following goals from the previous comprehensive plan relevant to Oak Island moving forward?

  Irrelevant Somewhat Relevant Still Relevant Unsure
Maintain and enhance “family beach atmosphere”
Pursue beach renourishment
Protect the Town’s trees
Improve community design/appearance
Consider fiscal impacts on the Town in all deliberations
Expand recreational opportunities
Expand multi-modal transportation options
Consider environmental impacts in decision making
Enhance development code and code enforcement
Pursue on-going economic development within Oak Island

Question Title

* 3. The comprehensive plan is a guiding document used to assess quality of life, local values and priorities, and establish a clear, shared vision for the community’s future. As the Town moves forward into the future, what are the most important improvements or additions you would like to see in local infrastructure and services (e.g., transportation, parks, recreation, healthcare facilities) to enhance your quality of life?

Question Title

* 4. What types of new housing do you think should be made most available to accommodate the Town’s population? (check all that apply)

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* 5. What three features or aspects of living in the Town of Oak Island do you appreciate most? Please try to answer in as few words as possible. (open ended; ultimately will be displayed as a word cloud)

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* 6. What are your top three concerns for the future of the Town? (Select up to three)

Question Title

* 7. If you could start a new program or initiative that would make Oak Island the best place to live in North Carolina, what would it be?

0 of 15 answered