GATHER Post-Event Survey

Changing the Narrative About Native Americans

The paragraph below summarizes a new narrative for Native Americans. You may choose to use the exact language in this narrative; however, it is more likely that you will use it as a guide or an inspiration to shape your own communication.

As we advance the intention of this new narrative together, it will become the new dominant idea that people in the United States hold in their hearts and minds, shaping their attitudes, behaviors and decisions about Native American peoples and issues.

1.Please read this new narrative:

The history of Native Americans is one of great strength and revitalization.

It is a story built around values that have shaped Native cultures and U.S. society: respect for family and elders; shared responsibility to care for the land; and an obligation to do right by the next generation.

It is a story of resilience through great pain and injustice, from broken treaties and loss of land and language in the past to derogatory sports mascots and biased history taught in schools today. 

Across more than 600 sovereign Native nations and in every profession and segment of society, Native Americans carry the cultural knowledge and wisdom that sustains Native nations and helps build a stronger future for all.

Let’s find our commonalities, celebrate our differences and creatively work together for our shared future and the futures of the next generations.

Share your reactions to this statement.  Do you agree with it?  What would you add to make it resonate more in your region?  Would you share it with others?

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