Pūtake Whakatupu (Foundation for Growth) is the primary workstream under the Tuputupu Grow Northland Initiative. This transformative project aims to identify, support and develop land use and value-add manufacturing opportunities in Taitokerau Northland.

We request your input into the following survey to help us build a picture of the current primary industries and manufacturing landscape in Northland, and where interest and activity currently lies in this space.

This information will not be shared publicly or with third parties.

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* 1. What is your first name?

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* 2. What is your last name?

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* 4. What is the best phone number to contact you on?

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* 5. Is your land located in Northland?

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* 6. If yes, please provide your address:

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* 7. What do you do? (Please tick all that apply)

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* 8. If you are a grower, please specify which crop/s you grow?

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* 9. Where does your interest lie?

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* 10. Please provide any details or comment around your areas of interest (if applicable)?

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* 11. Area of land available for diversification on your site? (In hectares).

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* 12. Which ethnic group do you belong to? (Please tick all applicable)

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* 13. If Māori, please list your iwi and hapu (if known):

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* 14. Are there any other comments you would like to make?

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* 15. Would you like to join the mailing list for project updates, including information on upcoming workshops to further identify interests and opportunities around primary industries and associated manufacturing sectors in Northland?

NOTE: Please note that information collected through this survey will not be shared with any third party.