Contact and Demographic Info

Primary Research Group is surveying medical and other scientific librarians about their policies regarding the development of metadata and cataloging for genomic and biodata. Take our survey and receive a free copy of the report generated from the survey data.
50% of survey complete.

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* 1. Please enter your contact and descriptive information

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* 2. Is your college public or private? Or not a higher ed institution?

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* 3. Which phrase best describes the institution that sponsors your library?

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* 4. What is your personal age range?

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* 5. What is your gender?

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* 6. Which phrase best describes your educational background?

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* 7. How much did your library spend in each of the following years on subscriptions to databases that primarily offer genomic or other biodata?

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* 8. To which genomic or biodata paid databases does your library currently subscribe?

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* 9. To which paid databases of genomic or biodata that your library does not currently subscribe to are you considering a subscription?

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* 10. Please list your most commonly used genomic or other biodata databases that you use most often or find most useful. If possible rank in order of value to you.

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* 11. Over the past year, what has been the approximate estimated increase or decrease in use of genomic data offered by your library? (the answer should be in %)

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* 12. Which phrase best describes the library role in your organization in obtaining, archiving and making available genomic and biodata?

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* 13. Has the library ever shared the cost of any Genomic and other Biodata databases with other non-library divisions or departments of your parent organization?

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* 14. For your library's expenditures on genomic and biodata databases what is the approximate split of spending between the library and all other departments of your institution?