Welcome to the OpenStack Public Cloud Poll

The OpenStack Public Cloud Working Group and the OpenStack Foundation are conducting a quick poll of end users to gain insights into how OpenStack public clouds are being used around the world.

There are only nine questions in the poll, and we ask that you complete all of them in order for your responses to be counted.

***The poll will close on Wednesday, May 9, at 11:59 p.m. PDT.***

Responses will be aggregated anonymously, and a summary of the results will be published at OpenStack.org in May.

Thank you for participating!

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* 1. Which industry best describes your company? (choose one)

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* 2. Which OpenStack public cloud vendor(s) are you working with? (check all that apply)  ***Please note: all subsequent questions in the poll will refer to the OpenStack public cloud vendor(s) you select here, not any other public cloud vendors you might be using.***

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* 3. In which country or countries are you running workloads with the vendor(s) you selected in the previous question? (check all that apply)  

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* 4. Which category or categories best describe the workloads you are running with the OpenStack public clouds vendor(s) you checked?

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* 6. What are the business drivers for running your apps on the OpenStack public cloud vendor(s) you checked earlier in the poll? (check all that apply)

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* 7. Thinking about the OpenStack public clouds you’ve told us about in this poll, do your workloads operate in a hybrid architecture with other cloud environments? (Please choose all that apply)

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* If you checked 7B above, please identify the public cloud(s) on which you run applications:

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* 8. Thinking about the OpenStack public cloud vendor(s) you selected earlier, which software development tools, SDKs, platforms, etc. do you use in your public cloud deployment? (Please check all that apply)

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* 9. (OPTIONAL) Thinking about your application development plans for the next 12 to 24 months, what features or services do you wish the public cloud provider(s) you chose earlier offered that they currently do not? This can include both vendor-specific features (billing, metering, etc.) or OpenStack-specific features, such as interoperability with other clouds, greater support for containers, etc.

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* Thank you for participating in the poll! Please provide your contact information. This will *not* be distributed or publicly mentioned in the report.