Post-Concert Survey

50% of survey complete.
We’d love to get your feedback about Saturday’s concert — Psalms Sung Blue! Your responses help us enhance our efforts, while providing funders with the information they need to continue supporting KSO’s programs. We know your time is valuable, and we greatly appreciate you taking about 7 minutes to complete the survey.

Please note: the KSO does not trade or sell personal information gathered in these surveys.

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* 1. Before "Psalms Sung Blue," approximately how many KSO Subscription Series concerts had you ever attended?

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* 2. Please provide your zip code.

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* 3. Have you attended (in-person or virtually) any other orchestral concerts in Cincinnati/NKY in the last 12 months?

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* 4. How are we doing? How would you rate our overall quality?

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* 5. How would you rate the quality of our performance?

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* 6. How would you rate the KSO for entertainment?

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* 7. How would you rate this season's concert programs for innovation (new programming)?

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* 8. How would you rate the KSO for atmosphere?

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* 9. How would you rate the concert you attended, in terms of being unique or different from other events you could attend in the Greater Cincinnati area?

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* 10. Below are several potential reasons that you might choose to attend a symphonic concert. How much do they influence you to come to the KSO specifically?

  Influences Me Very Much Moderately Influences Me Does Not Influence Me at All
Casual Atmosphere
Programming Based On Theme
Learning Something New
Having Fun
Sharing Time with Family/Friends
Reasonable Value

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* 11. Please tell us everything you LIKED about your Kentucky Symphony Orchestra experience.

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* 12. On the other hand, what are all of the things you DISLIKED about your Kentucky Symphony Orchestra experience.

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* 13. Below are several statements that afford a long-term reflection on the KSO. Please tell us and our funders how much you agree or disagree with each:

  Agree Completely Agree Somewhat Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Completely
The KSO is important to me
The KSO improves the vitality of our region
The KSO makes me proud of the Northern KY/ Cincinnati area
The KSO provides good variety in the concerts available to me
I feel more connected to my community when I attend KSO events
Because of the KSO, my appreciation of the arts has increased

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* 14. Feel free to share any comments here about your experience: