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* 1. Please indicate your role(s). (Check all that apply)

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* 2. In your past experience with the National Science Foundation (NSF), how often have you used FastLane for proposal preparation in the last 5 years?

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* 3. Please rate your user experience in the following areas for the new proposal preparation site:

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree proposal preparation is an easy system to learn to use proposal preparation webpage layout is intuitive proposal preparation site may help to reduce administrative burden*

 *The “administrative burden” regarding proposals is primarily associated with to the preparation of detailed budgets, ensuring proper proposal formatting, and other related requirements, as well as difficulties with proposal submission that increase workload. proposal preparation help tips and notes are helpful
Real-time compliance checking for proposal sections on the proposal preparation site is valuable to me proposal preparation site consolidated budget form data entry reduces my administrative burden proposal preparation site use of standard PDFs as the upload format for most of the proposal sections makes the upload process easy for me

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* 4. For the question above regarding your rating of the “ proposal preparation site may help to reduce administrative burden,” can you briefly describe how the new proposal preparation site may help or not help with this?

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* 5. What features or information, if any, caused confusion or were difficult to locate on the new proposal preparation site?

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* 6. What’s the one most important feature NSF should add to the new proposal preparation site?

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* 7. Your comments, questions, and concerns are very important to NSF. Please include any additional feedback in the space provided.

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* 8. If you would like to be added to NSF’s list of volunteers who participate in future application usability studies, surveys, and webinars, please enter your contact information below.