Thank you for coordinating a Project Sticker Shock event! We appreciate any feedback you can provide in this brief, 5-minute survey to help us ensure our programs suit the needs of our customers. 

We want to promote your success! Please send any pictures from your event to us by emailing Be sure to mention Virginia ABC Education and Prevention when sharing any information about Project Sticker Shock with the media or online.

Question Title

* 1. Organization Name:

Question Title

* 2. Event Date:


Question Title

* 3. Event Location:

Question Title

* 5. List any community partners or local organizations that attended the event:

Question Title

* 6. What form(s) of media did you use to share information about social providing or to promote your event? Select all that apply:

Question Title

* 7. Paste the URL links to any media coverage received, such as news articles or social media posts.

Question Title

* 8. Describe any setbacks you encountered in planning or implementing your event and how you overcame them.

Question Title

* 9. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements regarding your Project Sticker Shock supplies:

  Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree
The message on the supplies is effective.
The design on the supplies is appealing.
The quality of the supplies met expectations.
The supplies were delivered to me in an appropriate amount of time.

Question Title

* 10. What is the likelihood that you will coordinate another Project Sticker Shock event in the future?

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* 11. Any additional comments?