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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. 8p Child's Name

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* 3. Relationship to the 8p Child

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* 4. Age at 8p diagnosis

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* 5. How long after the first symptoms or suspicion of disease did it take to get an accurate diagnosis?

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* 6. How many specialists did you see between the time of first manifestations or symptoms and the final diagnosis?

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* 7. Do you and your family incur financial costs not covered by insurance related to care for your 8p child?

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* 9. What tools or resources have you found useful in caring for your 8p child?
(Education Typical or Special, Therapy, Supplements, Treatments, CBD Oil, etc.)

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* 10. What symptoms do you see but may not be an official diagnosis that worries you? (eg;, starting at space, twitching, etc.)

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* 11. What is your biggest worry or concern with this disorder today and in the future?  Ex: Health declines. Life skills regression. Life expectancy compromised due to the condition. 

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* 12. Are you a participant in the Columbia University study?

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* 13. I understand that by filling out this form, I agree to allow Project 8p to share my responses with other parties working in partnership with Project 8p. All information shared will be de-identified and anonymous.