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U sklopu serije seminara „Upoznaj svoje tržište“, Omar Banihani, američki stručnjak za razvoj turističkih mreža, podijelit će iskustvo iz prve ruke o tome kako BiH može pristupiti i povećati potražnju na tržištima Sjeverne Amerike. On će prezentirati strategije i taktike koje turističke zajednice, inbound turoperatori, turističke agencije, hoteli i pružaoci usluga mogu primijeniti kako bi poboljšali svijest, interes i obzir prema destinaciji i ponuđenim uslugama.

Za dodatne informacije, kliknite OVDJE


As part of the "Know Your Market" seminar series, Omar Banihani, an American expert in the development of tourism networks, will share his first-hand experience on how BH can access and increase demand from the North American market. He will present strategies and tactics that tourist boards, inbound tour operators, travel agencies, hotels and service providers can apply to improve awareness, interest and consideration towards the destination and the services offered.

For additional information, click HERE

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* Da li ste surađivali sa Sjeverno američkim tržištem u posljednjih 5 godina?
Did you work with the North American market in the last 5 years?

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* Molimo odaberite vrstu organizacije koju predstavljate 
Please select the type of organization you represent:

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* Naziv organizacije ispred kojeg dolazite 
Name of the organization you represent:

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* Vaša pozicija u organizaciji
Position within the organization:

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* Ime i prezime:
Name and surname:

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* Starosna kategorija:

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* Grad:

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* Broj telefona:
Phone number:

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* Email adresa:
Email address: