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Survey Design Feedback : Intelligence Group Workforce Roundtable
I just checked out the preview of your survey and wanted to give you some notes: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Preview/?sm=OWFQPfv2lg_2BZAZO8LmnqulFhskkvZsOl7Dsfhed5_2FkC8JDMvHNRYAl_2F9GbS6PiuB
Need your help with my survey
This is a test version of Intelligence Group Workforce Roundtable, a survey I designed using SurveyMonkey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Preview/?sm=sCE_2FP2DkrYLuIjmmEnrpmcNFIISwqXk0QgRqBidhz9y3Vv9aqS6hvzwzI11zb8z6JFvQtHV83Nb6DBh4n9ERPQ_3D_3D I've sent you this test version so you can preview the survey.


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