This quiz reflects your understanding of:
1. The process and procedure to assess risk of pressure injury using assessment tools
2. The process and requirement in documentation of routine skin inspection
3. The process and procedure to document when pressure injury develops
4. The multidisciplinary role when managing pressure injuries

Please choose the most appropriate answer for the following questions.

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* 1. Name:

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* 2. What assessment tools does Allowah use to assess risk of pressure injury?

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* 3. When do we need to provide skin inspection?

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* 4. When do we document skin inspection outcome?

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* 5. When do we document using a Wound Management Form?

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* 6. Which of the following profession(s) has a role to input in pressure injury management? (Please feel free to choose more than one answer if you think appropriate)

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* 7. Who has responsibility to prevent pressure injury for patients at Allowah?