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Question Title

* 1. Which of the following describes your overall current opinion of St. Augustine Prep?

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* 2. Which of the following best describes your experience as a student at the Prep?

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* 3. Which of the following best describes your experience thus far as an alumnus?

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* 4. On a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being the lowest, how connected do you feel to St. Augustine Prep?

0 (No Connection At All) 5 10 (Very connected)

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* 5. Name one person, program, or activity that had a special impact on you or your experience as a student. Please also provide a brief description of this experience.

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* 6. In your relationship with St. Augustine Prep since graduating, please describe how often you do, or have done, each of the following:

  Never Occasionally Regularly N/A
Attend local or virtual Alumni events
Get in touch with other Hermits Alumni
Read Alumni emails
Attend Prep sporting events
Livestream Prep sporting events
Visit campus
Visit the Prep website
Engage on Prep’s social media
Give back financially
Endorse the Prep to others

Question Title

* 7. For each of the communication methods listed below, please tell us how IMPORTANT that method is to you to stay connected to the Prep.

  Not Important Somewhat Important Very Important Critically Important
Prep Website
Alumni Newsletter
Print Mail
Social Media/Online Community

Question Title

* 8. For each of the communication methods listed below, please tell us how EFFECTIVE the Prep is in utilizing that method to communicate with you.

  Not Effective At All Somewhat Effective Very Effective
Prep Website
Alumni Newsletter
Print Mail
Social Media/Online Community

Question Title

* 9. Please indicate your feelings regarding the frequency of the following:

  Way Too Much A Little Too Much Just Right Would Welcome More Not Nearly Enough
Email correspondence from St. Augustine Prep
Printed materials from St. Augustine Prep
Information regarding professional networking with other alumni
Solicitations for donations (Keep Them In Blazers, Athletic Advancement, etc.)
Invitations to Hermits Alumni activities
Presence on social media

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* 10. What is the most meaningful thing St. Augustine Prep can do for you in the next 5-10 years?

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* 11. What are barriers, if any, to your participation in alumni activities? (Check all that apply)

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* 12. Are you aware that the Prep is a registered 501(C)3 charitable organization that receives donations?

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* 13. Which of the following best describes your financial support of St. Augustine Prep?

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* 14. How important is it that alumni your age give to the Prep?

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* 15. How would you like to engage with the Alumni Office in the future?

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* 16. Is there anything else you would like to share with St. Augustine Prep?

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* 18. If you would like to be eligible for a prize drawing, or would like to ensure your contact information is correct, please complete the following:

0 of 18 answered