
This quiz is designed to help you assess your level of risk and vulnerability as well as the congregation’s capacity to receive sermons about social issues. This tool can help you gauge how comfortable you and your congregation might be with a sermon or education about an issue of public concern. This, in turn, can help you decide what what approach to take with your sermon: Gentle, Invitational, Robust.
Note that this assessment instrument is for your own personal use. You are not required to share this with others or disclose your assessment to anyone.
All results will be collected but remain anonymous to the researcher, The Rev. Dr. Leah D. Schade, Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship at Lexington Theological Seminary. You can contact her at: Visit for more info.

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* 1. What is your gender?

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* 2. What is your sexual orientation?

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* 3. What is your race/ethnicity/culture?

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* 4. Your age

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* 5. How long have you served your current congregation?

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* 6. How long have you been in ministry overall?

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* 7. What is your current position in the church?

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* 8. What has been your relationship with church conflict in the past?

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* 9. How do you feel about the level of support you receive as a minister, such as from colleagues, denominational leaders, friends, family, a counselor/therapist, or others?

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* 10. What is your current level of energy for ministry?

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* 11. How many regularly attend worship services (both online and onsite)?

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* 12. What is the net loss of church membership over the past 12 months when taking account of gains (births, baptisms, new members) and losses (death, moving away, or withdrawing membership)?

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* 13. How long can the church financially sustain its ministry given the current level of giving from the congregation (excluding outside sources of revenue)?

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* 14. What percentage of the congregation is made up of children, youth, and/or young adults?

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* 15. What is the setting of the congregation?

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* 16. How diverse is the congregation in terms of race, culture, language, and LGBTQIA+?

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* 17. To what degree is the church a center for intellectual, artistic, cultural, musical, service-oriented, advocacy, or activism in the community?

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* 18. What is the congregation’s level of participation in faith formation (Christian education, adult forums, Bible studies, book studies, children’s education, speaker series, etc.)?

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* 19. What is the role of women in ordained leadership within the church?

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* 20. How open, affirming, and inclusive is the congregation of people who are LGBTQIA+?

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* 21. How willing is the congregation to learn about, discuss, and confront racism both on a personal and systemic level?

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* 22. How many signs of strain do you observe that indicate congregational stress (i.e., members lashing out, overreacting, arguing, passive-aggressiveness, displaying intense emotion, or withdrawing)?

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* 23. To the best of your knowledge, how recently and to what degree is/was the congregation engaged in significant conflict?

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* 24. What is the level of unhealthy “secret-keeping” in the congregation (e.g., skeletons in the closet regarding misconduct or abuse, substance abuse, infidelity, domestic violence, etc.)?

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* 25. How healthy is the governing body of the congregation

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* 26. What is the congregation’s level of comfort with each other (i.e., how often does the congregation laugh together, tease each other good-naturedly, and engage in fun fellowship activities)?

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* 27. How often does the congregation host opportunities for healthy dialogue or discussion about contemporary issues?

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* 28. What percentage of the congregation regularly volunteers in the congregation’s infrastructure (committees, worship and music, education, planning/hosting fellowship events, governing board, etc.)?

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* 29. Congregation’s level of participation in serving the local community (volunteering for charities, advocacy/activism, working with other congregations on projects, ministry outreach programs, etc.)?

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* 30. How close are the political orientations between the minister and the congregation?

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* 31. How would you assess the level of trust between the minister and the congregation?

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100% of survey complete.