Pre-Evaluation_2019_ Golden Colorado STEM Guitar Building Workshop Evaluation

Dear Participant:

You are requested to complete this survey because you are participating in a STEM Guitar Building Workshop at the Golden Colorado School of Mines. The STEM Guitar Project (NSF ATE# #1700531) is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Your responses will be important in providing input into the project implementation results that will be reported to NSF.

Please feel free to answer as best as you can. Your responses will be grouped with all other participants’ input. No one will be individually identified when the results are reported. Because we are doing a Pre- and Post- Workshop Survey, it is important to be able to link your Pre- and Post- responses. You will be asked to write your Survey ID.
Thank you for completing this survey. Make sure you click "Submit" for your responses to be recorded.

If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact the Project PI, Thomas Singer at

The STEM Guitar Project Team

Question Title

* 1. Please write your name initials, birth month and year [e.g. John Adam Smith was born on September 10, 1970; he writes: JAS09101970].

Question Title

* 2. You are about to experience a STEM Guitar Building Workshop, please check if you know any of the following [check all that applies.]: