Trinity Valley Community College Pre-Course Assessment Survey INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer the following questions as honestly as you can. Your feedback will allow us to evaluate and improve our services for future students. Your individual comments will be kept confidential but included anonymously in a summary of responses. Question Title * 1. Full Name: Question Title * 2. Program of Study: Question Title * 3. Are you the first person in your immediate family to attend college (First-Generation college student)? Yes No Question Title * 4. Is this your first semester ever attending any college? Yes No Question Title * 5. Please select your enrollment status: Full Time (12 hours or more) Part Time (Less than 12 hours) Question Title * 6. Please select your age range: 18-25 26-39 40+ Question Title * 7. How many hours did you work this semester? I did not work 1-15 16-35 36+ Next