Question Title

* 1.
Vision and Objectives

We would like your views on the following draft Vision and Objectives for the Neighbourhood Plan.  These have been prepared by the Steering Group based on the feedback from the initial survey in 2021.  The Plan will cover the period up to 2041 – this is to align with the current Review of the South Worcestershire Development Plan.  

Draft Vision for the Neighbourhood Plan

By 2041 the Parish of Powick will be:

A home for thriving local communities with a distinctive Parish identity based on the separate settlements of Powick, Collett’s Green and Callow End; and

A sustainable rural environment where landscape character, key views, green spaces, heritage, and the setting of the villages are protected and enhanced, providing an attractive and peaceful countryside for all to enjoy; and 

A place where the implications of the climate emergency are addressed in planning decisions; and 

A place where development is well-designed, respecting and maintaining the special qualities of the Neighbourhood Area; and

A place where accessible community facilities support social and cultural well-being; and

A place where new housing adds to the overall quality of the area and provides dwellings of a size and type relevant to the community’s needs; and 

A place where appropriate economic development is supported, helping to provide local employment in small businesses, farming, and other rural enterprises. 

Draft Objectives for the Neighbourhood Plan


To take every available opportunity to address the climate emergency in neighbourhood planning policies.  

To minimise the adverse impact of new development on the Parish environment.  

To identify important views of the Parish countryside.

To ensure new development is well-designed including being visually attractive, sympathetic to local character and history, and energy- and resource-efficient. 

To support the supply of energy from renewable and low carbon sources, including by addressing adverse impacts.

To identify green areas of particular importance to the community and designate them as Local Green Space.

To protect and enhance the contribution made by the historic environment to the character and appearance of the Parish. 

Community facilities

To protect existing community facilities.

To guide improvements to existing facilities and new provision as required to support a healthy, inclusive, and safe community.


To deliver a mix of size and type of dwellings which meet the community’s needs.

To ensure that new housing is provided in well laid out and designed developments which support local facilities and transport networks including walking and cycling.    

To provide guidelines for the development of new housing on land south of Old Malvern Road, Collett’s Green  (this is a proposal in the Review of the South Worcestershire Development Plan).

Economic development

To support business, tourism and farming developments which are in scale and keeping with the character of the Parish, and appropriate to their location.

Q. Overall, do you agree or disagree with the draft Vision and Objectives?
[tick one box per row]

  Agree Disagree No opinion

Question Title

* 2. If you have any comments on the draft Vision and Objectives please tell us in the box below.

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* 3. What are the top 5 things you value most about living in Powick Parish?
(tick up to 5 boxes only)

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* 4.

We think that protecting our environment should be at the forefront of how we plan for our Parish.  This includes the design of new buildings, protecting key views, green spaces, and the landscape, and responding to the climate emergency as part of PACE (Powick Action on Climate Emergency). 

Q. In minimising the adverse impact of new development on the Parish environment, which 5 things are most important to you? [tick up to 5 boxes only]

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* 5. Are there any locally important views of the surrounding countryside that you think we should seek to protect?  If so, please describe them below, telling us where the views are from and what they show.

Question Title

* 6. What 5 things are most important to you in ensuring that development is well-designed? [tick up to 5 boxes only]

Question Title

* 7. Which of the following ways of producing renewable energy would you support? [tick 1 box per row]

Way of producing renewable energy 

  Agree Disagree No opinion
Domestic solar power
Commercial solar power (solar farm)
Commercial/farm biomass 
Domestic biomass 
Commercial/farm anaerobic digester 
Domestic wind turbine
Commercial wind turbine
Community-led renewable energy project with benefits e.g. reduced tariffs for the community

Question Title

* 8. Are there any areas of land in the Parish that you think we should seek to    protect by designation as Local Green Space?  If so, please describe them    below and explain why you think they are significant.

Local Green Space must be special to the community and have a particular    local significance.  This can be, for example, because of its beauty, historic  significance, recreational value, tranquillity, or richness of its wildlife. 
Local Green Space must also be close to the community served and local in character.  It can be in public or private ownership.

Question Title

* 9.
Community Facilities

Please tell us about which community facilities you’ve used recently, and your ideas for improvements.  The Neighbourhood Plan can protect existing facilities and the Parish Council can use funds from new development in the Parish to deliver improvements to community infrastructure.  

Which of the following facilities in the Parish are important to you? 
[tick all that apply]

Question Title

* 10. How could our existing community facilities be improved?

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* 11. What new community facilities would you like to see, e.g. allotments? 

Question Title

* 12.

The population of the Parish has grown by almost 18% between 2011 and 2021, driven in large part by the building of new homes.  Further new house building, around 25 new homes, is being proposed on land south of Old Malvern Road, Collett’s Green in the Review of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. 

The Neighbourhood Plan is not proposing to make any additional site allocations for housing.  However, planning applications for new housing in the Parish will continue to be made.  These could be on ‘infill’ sites within the village development boundaries and for ‘householder development’ such as extensions. 

Please tell us your priorities for the size and type of any new housing, and what we should be taking into account when consulted on planning applications.  We would also like to know your thoughts about how the land south of Old Malvern Road should be developed.     
What size of new homes is the most important to you?
[tick 1 box only]

Question Title

* 13. What type of new housing should the Parish have during the lifetime of the plan – up to 2041? [tick one box per row]

*Affordable housing is defined as housing provided for eligible households whose needs are not met by the open market. 

Type of new housing

  Agree Disagree No opinion
Individual houses on ‘infill’ plots between existing dwellings
Sites for 2-4 houses within or adjacent to existing homes
Sites for 5 or more new houses – to include some affordable housing*
Market housing for purchase and rent
Affordable housing for rent
Affordable housing – shared ownership
Affordable housing – discounted market sale e.g. First Homes
Accommodation associated with start-up small farming initiatives
Self-build and custom-build
Supported/ sheltered accommodation for older people
Adapted/ easy access homes (e.g. bungalows)
Live/ work homes with workshops/ offices

Question Title

* 14. What are your top 5 planning priorities for new dwellings?
[tick up to 5 boxes only]

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* 15. What are your top 3 planning priorities for ‘householder development’ such as extensions and garages? [tick up to 3 boxes only]

Question Title

* 16. Land south of Old Malvern Road, Collett’s Green is proposed for around 25 new homes in the Review of the South Worcestershire Development Plan.  What requirements should we include in the Neighbourhood Plan to guide its development? [tick one box per row]

Please note this question relates to the land proposed for development in the South Worcestershire Development Plan Review, not to the current outline planning application for up to 80 dwellings which also includes land to the east and to which the Parish Council and residents have objected.

Planning Requirements

  Agree Disagree No opinion
Provide a Transport Statement to show how the site can be safely accessed by all
Provide footpaths and cycleways to link with village facilities
Provide sufficient off-road parking
Include acceptable sewerage and surface water drainage
New dwellings of a size and type which meet local housing needs
Siting, orientation, and design of new dwellings to respect amenity of existing residents 
Provide affordable housing in line with South Worcestershire Development Plan
Provision of open space and landscaping using native species

Question Title

* 17. If you have any other suggestions to guide the development of the site, please tell us below:

Question Title

* 18.
Economic Development

The Neighbourhood Plan can guide and promote new economic development in and around the Parish.  Please tell us your thoughts about what different types of economic development you might like to see, and the planning considerations that are important to you. 

What types of new small-scale economic development should be encouraged in the Parish? [tick 1 box per row]

Type of new small-scale economic development

  Agree Disagree No opinion
Tourism/ leisure-related businesses
Small scale farming or horticulture
Agriculture and farm diversification
Intensive livestock units
Large areas of glass-housing or plastic poly-tunnels
Small scale retail (e.g. café, village shop, craft outlets)
Light manufacturing
Business units (e.g. for creative industries, offices)
Storage and distribution
Flexible, managed workspace (e.g. business centre)

Question Title

* 19. What are your top 5 planning priorities for economic/ business development in the Parish? [tick up to 5 boxes only]

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* 20.
Many thanks for getting this far 

If you believe there are other matters relevant to our Neighbourhood Plan that you think we have missed, please give details below:

Question Title

* 21.
Information about You

Help us check whether the survey has covered all groups in the community.  

Would you describe yourself as:

Question Title

* 22. How old are you?

Question Title

* 23. How would you best describe your main “economic activity”? [tick 1 box]

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* 24. Where in the Parish do you live?

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* 25. How long have you lived in the Parish?