Abstract Submission Form

ANA has named 2018 the Year of the Advocate.
Advocacy means using one's position to support, protect, or speak out for the rights and interests of another.

Nurses have long claimed patient advocacy as fundamental to their practice, however, advocacy beyond the bedside is often misunderstood.

In keeping with this theme, the ANA-Illinois Program Committee is seeking the best session ideas that represent Nurse Advocacy for the 2018 Professional Issues Conference.
We are looking to create a learning experience that engages, challenges, and empowers nurses.
Please submit your topic ideas/ proposals that represent:
-Self Advocacy
-Patient Advocacy
-Advocacy for the Profession

After attending this program, we wish the participants  to be able to describe various ways nurses can serve as advocates, and to see how their own passion and pursuits of the profession can be the best form of advocacy.

Please submit your session ideas by Friday, September 7th, 2018.

Question Title

* 1. Please complete the following information:

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* 2. First Name

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* 3. Last Name

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* 4. List Credentials

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* 5. Who is your current employer and what is your current job description?

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* 6. Would you be interested to present a poster session?

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* 7. Submit Poster Abstract Here - Minimum 100 words- Maximum 250 words (Poster sessions may be on other professional issues topics that are relevant to practicing nurses.)

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* 8. Please tell us about yourself-100 words

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* 9. If you are selected to be a presenter you will need to adhere the deadlines for speaker materials. If you are in acknowledgement of this responsibility please choose "I accept."