Survey on country experiences, lessons learned, & best practices for SDG16 post-VNR processes

With the first four-year cycle of the HLPF completed, there are requests by governments and other stakeholders in countries (including civil society, local authorities, businesses, national statistical offices, and UN agencies) for guidance on how to take forward action on SDG16 implementation and monitoring in the post-Voluntary National Review (VNR) period.

To meet these demands - and thus promote reporting for action - the Transparency, Accountability, and Participation Network for the 2030 Agenda (TAP Network) is partnering with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to create a new resource for stakeholders involved in VNR follow-up activities entitled: the "Post-VNR Best Practices on SDG16" Guide. 

The below survey aims to collect the experiences, lessons learned, and best practices of governments and other stakeholders working on post-VNR processes for SDG16. Specifically, it looks to learn how actors in countries are approaching the implementation and mainstreaming of SDG16 in their own contexts (guided by the VNR findings and consultations) and, in turn, how they are preparing to report on SDG16 again in future years. Insights gained from this consultation and others will feed directly into the development of the TAP Network and UNDP post-VNR guide. This guidance will serve as an important opportunity to realize the potential of the VNR process, including its follow-up and review, and in doing so put SDG16 into action and drive progress.

Disclaimer: All information collected in this survey will remain anonymous unless the respondent gives explicit consent for attribution. Interested respondents are encouraged throughout the survey to provide their consent to be contacted for case studies and other more detailed information from their country’s experience, with the aim of publishing these accounts in the post-VNR guidance. 


Question Title

* 1. Name 

Question Title

* 2. Email

Question Title

* 3. Organization

Question Title

* 4. Sector

Question Title

* 5. Region

Question Title

* 6. Country

Question Title

* 7. Gender

Question Title

* 8. Age range

Question Title

* 9. Are you, or have you ever been, personally involved in VNR or follow-up VNR processes in your country?

Question Title

* 10. If yes, please briefly explain your role in these processes.

Question Title

* 11. If no, please briefly explain why you were not involved.

Please feel free to skip questions that do not apply in your context. 

Question Title

* 12. What actions has your national government taken to implement SDG16 and its related principles (i.e. inclusivity) since delivering the country's previous VNR(s)?

Please check all boxes that apply. Use comment box to elaborate on "other" approaches.

Question Title

* 13. Would you be willing to provide detailed case studies on any of the above approaches (or others) for your country’s post-VNR follow-up?

Question Title

* 14. Has your national government engaged other stakeholders in the above post-VNR follow-up activities?

(If you are a stakeholder yourself, please reflect on your own experience for this question.)

Question Title

* 15. If yes, how have these stakeholders been engaged?

(If you are a stakeholder yourself, please reflect on your own experience for this question.)

Question Title

* 16. How did your national government assess the inclusivity of these engagements? (i.e. types of measurements, indicators, metrics, etc.)  

(If you are a stakeholder yourself, please reflect on your own experience for this question.)

Question Title

* 17. What progress has been made towards mainstreaming and implementing SDG16 since your country’s VNR(s)? Please be as specific as possible.

(If you are a stakeholder yourself, please reflect on your own experience for this question.)

Question Title

* 18. 18. What challenges has your country faced in mainstreaming and implementing SDG16 since its VNR? Please be as specific as possible. 

If applicable, please also explain how these challenges were addressed.

(If you are a stakeholder yourself, please reflect on your own experience for this question.)

Question Title

* 19. In what ways has the VNR and its processes been instrumental in accelerating action on SDG16 implementation?

Please feel free to skip questions that do not apply in your context. 

Question Title

* 20. How is your national government preparing to report again on SDG16 in its next VNR? 

(If you are a stakeholder outside of the national, please reflect on your own experience for this question.)

Please check all boxes that apply. Use comment box to elaborate on "other" approaches.

*Note: If your country has already reported more than once, please specify which activities it undertook in its subsequent reporting cycles.

Question Title

* 21. Would you be willing to provide case studies from your country on any of the above approaches (or others) to reporting again on SDG16?

Question Title

* 22. Please elaborate on how stakeholders outside of the national government are preparing to review progress on SDG16 apart from engaging in the next official VNR process? (i.e. Preparing Spotlight Reports, etc.)

Question Title

* 23. What kind of guidance or further support does your national government and/or other relevant stakeholders in your country need from UN agencies, funders, and/or other stakeholders to follow up on its previous VNR(s) through its mainstreaming and subsequent reporting activities?

Please check all boxes that apply. Use comment box to elaborate on "other" approaches.


Please feel free to skip questions that do not apply in your context.

Question Title

* 24. Were recommendations and/or next steps for SDG16 included in your country's previous VNR(s)?

Question Title

* 25. If so, what were the recommendations and/or next steps? 

Question Title

* 26. What challenges did your country face in reporting on SDG16?


Question Title

* 27. Please provide any additional comments or reflections about your country's previous VNR and/or post-VNR processes.

Question Title

* 28. Upload case studies per any of the above survey questions.

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