Question Title

* 1. Please rate how true the following statements are about the learning objectives in the workshop.

  Not at all true Somewhat true Moderately true Very true
I have a good understanding of student engagement through use of  technology, strategies, and the ability to assess diverse student needs to enhance and support student engagement.
I have the understanding and ability to create meaningful collaborative opportunities for my students that encourage interactions promoting acceptance and respect of diverse opinions in a safe and welcoming environment.
I have the understanding and ability to effectively build teacher-student rapport and a sense of community for learners through teacher and social presence while meeting the diverse needs of students.

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* 2. Please rate how true the following statements are about the professional development workshop overall.

  Not at all true Somewhat true Moderately true Very true
The professional development workshop was organized and well run
The facilitator presented content and activities that were relevant and useful for my online classes and students
I have enhanced my skills in supporting students in the online classroom through teacher-student rapport and building a sense of community
I would recommend this workshop to my peers

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* 3. What did you like most about the workshop?

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* 4. What did you like least about the workshop?

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* 5. Do you have any suggestions or comments to improve the workshop or your experience?