Residents interested in the Phoenix Police Chief recruitment have a unique opportunity to contribute to the selection process at a public forum for final-round candidates. Successful finalists for the chief position participated in an open meeting that included questions from the public. Individuals who can't participate in-person can observe virtually via PHXTV or YouTube. Residents may provide written questions that will be presented to the finalists at a moderated public forum on Wednesday, March 19th at 5:00pm, in the Phoenix City Council Chambers.

During the forum, the candidates will have the opportunity to introduce themselves to the community and then answer as many questions as possible in a moderated setting.

Your submissions will help guide the moderated presentation and ensure that the next Police Chief reflects the needs and expectations of our diverse and vibrant community.

Thank you for taking the time to contribute to this important decision for the future of our City.

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* 1. Please provide the following information

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* 2. Please provide your ZIP code.

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* 3. What qualities or leadership traits do you believe are most important for the next Police Chief to have?

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* 4. What are the top priorities or issues you feel the next Police Chief should focus on to improve safety and trust in the community?

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* 5. If you had the opportunity to ask the Police Chief candidates one question during their interview, what would it be?