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The City of Plantation’s transportation network is critical for supporting safe movement and connectivity between the places that support high quality of life in our community.

Whether driving a car, walking, biking, ridesharing, or taking a bus, our residents, workers, and visitors need a range of transportation options to enjoy various amenities. Convenient access to shopping, parks, community centers, local and regional jobs, schools, and healthcare facilities increases overall quality of life.

Infrastructure improvements and policies that safely support our transportation network is essential for supporting the City's future evolution and growth. 

We want to know what’s most important to you. Please share your feedback and priorities in the following survey. 

Thank you very much for your time!

Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status. 

In accordance with Florida's very broad public records law, most written communications to or from public employees or officials regarding public business are public records and are available to third parties upon request per Chapter 119, FS 668.6076

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* 1. Please select all that apply:

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* 2. What is the ZIP code of your primary residence? Enter 5 digit ZIP Code.

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* 3. How do you get around? What is your most frequently used transportation type (please select one)?

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* 4. What should the primary Goals of Transportation within the City of Plantation (rank order)?

  1. Improve pedestrian safety and access
  2. Improve bicycling safety and access
  3. Encourage economic development / redevelopment
  4. Improve traffic safety
  5. Improve landscaping, shade trees, or community appearance
  6. Improve traffic flow
  7. Improve Transit / Community Bus access
  8. Slow traffic down (too many speeding vehicles)

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* 5. As part of the Penny For Transportation Surtax Plan, the City is planning a Community Shuttle Bus program with routes in Midtown (from Cleary Blvd to Publix @ Peters Rd) and in eastern Plantation (from City Hall to US 441).

Which locations would you access via the Community Shuttle Bus?

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* 6. How often do you use public transit (Broward County Transit bus service)?

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* 7. If you do take the bus, what is the most common purpose for your trip?

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* 8. If you walk to and from the bus stop, is there a sidewalk the entire way?

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* 9. What are the primary issues and / or concerns for roadways within the City of Plantation? (Select all that apply)

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* 10. How comfortable do you feel walking in the City of Plantation? (1 star being very uncomfortable to 5 stars being very comfortable)

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* 11. How comfortable do you feel biking in the City of Plantation? (1 star being very uncomfortable to 5 stars being very comfortable)

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* 12. How comfortable do you feel crossing the street in the City of Plantation? (1 star being very uncomfortable to 5 stars being very comfortable)

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* 13. Buffered Bike Lane Bike Portland.orgDo you support adding bicycle lanes?

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* 14. Do you support wider sidewalks?

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* 15. Sidewalk with bufferDo you support landscaped areas between traffic lanes and pedestrian sidewalks?

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* 16. Pedestrian Lighting Do you support adding pedestrian lighting directly above sidewalks?

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* 17. NACTO Raised IntersectionDo you support adding traffic calming devices (i.e. speed humps, raised intersections, curb extensions, etc. to slow speeding traffic)?

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* 18. Do you support adding bus stop amenities (bus shelter, bike racks, trash receptacles, etc.)?NACTO Bus Stop Amenities

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* 19. Do you support adding bus benches?

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* 20. Do you support adding litter / recycling containers?

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* 21. Do you support adding bus shelters?

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* 22. Do you support adding bike racks?

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* 23. Do you support adding safer pedestrian crossings or conditions near bus stops?NACTO Mid-block Crossing

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* 24. Do you support lighting around bus stops?

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* 25. Do you support wide sidewalks around bus stop?

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* 26. If you work within the Midtown District (located in central Plantation and bounded on the north by Cleary Boulevard, south by Interstate 595, east by University Drive and on the west by Pine Island Road), what transportation improvements would you like to see, please select all that apply:

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* 27. If you have concerns about Peters Road, Pine Island Road or University Drive in the Midtown District what transportation improvements would you like to see, please select all that apply:

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* 28. If you live or work near US 441 (Gateway District), what are some of the transportation improvements you would like to see, please select all that apply:

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* 29. Stay involved! Please provide your email address. (Optional)

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