Importance of Planning

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* 1. How did you find out about this survey?  Select all that apply

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* 2. Which of the following options describe your connection to Rutherford County?  Select all that apply

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* 3. If you live in Rutherford County, how long have you been here?

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* 4. If you live in Rutherford County, do you live within the city limits or in an unincorporated part of the County?

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* 5. What would you say are the top three most appealing characteristics of Rutherford County?  PICK ONLY THREE

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* 6. Overall, how do you rate quality of life in Rutherford County?

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* 7. How do you rate Rutherford County's overall quality of life compared with each of the following?

  Much Better Somewhat Better About the Same Somewhat Worse Much Worse
Other Counties in Middle Tennessee
Tennessee as a Whole
Nation as a Whole

Question Title

* 8. In thinking about Rutherford County's future, how concerned are you about the following issues?

  Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not very concerned Not concerned at all
Garbage and Recycling
Pollution and Environmental Quality
Housing Affordability
Jobs and the Economy
Flooding or other Natural Disasters
Traffic Congestion
Schools and Education
Crime and Public Safety

Question Title

* 9. How much confidence do you have in local leaders to prepare the county for the future?

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* 10. How important is it to you that the county government have a formal plan to prepare for new growth and development?

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* 11. The county is about to embark on a major update to its current plan. How important is it for the new plan to address the following goals?

  Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important Not Sure
Improve or expand public utilities
Increase job opportunities
Identify areas of the county for targeted growth
Ensure access to housing that is affordable
Protect the quality of the natural environmental
Improve transportation options
Create a welcoming and inclusive community
Implement standards for the aesthetic design of development
Expand access to parks and recreation
Create more retail opportunities
Preserve historic character
Conserve surrounding open space and farmland

Question Title

* 13. As you have traveled throughout Tennessee and the nation, have you come across any places that you consider to be a good representation of your vision for your community in Rutherford County ?

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* 14. What THREE words or phrases immediately come to mind when you think about the CHALLENGES ahead for Rutherford County?

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* 15. What THREE words or phrases immediately come to mind when you think about the OPPORTUNITIES ahead for Rutherford County?

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* 16. How involved were you in the development the county's current comprehensive plan adopted in 2011?

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* 17. Select all the ways in which you would be willing to participate in the planning process.

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* 18. What is your preferred contact information for future updates?