What is your vision for the future of Naples?

The Town of Naples is in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan which will shape future growth, policy, and investment decisions. The purpose of this survey is to understand the challenges and strengths of the community and identify values and priorities for the Town’s next comprehensive plan.

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* 1. The following community values were identified during the 2006 Comprehensive Plan process. Rank these values from most important to least important (either drag and drop or use the arrows to move items up or down).

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* 2. What features or assets do you think contribute most to the Town’s character? (Select up to 3 responses.)

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* 3. What positive changes have you noticed in Naples in the past 10 years?

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* 4. What negative changes have you noticed in Naples in the past 10 years?

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* 5. What changes would have the greatest positive impact on you or your family’s quality of life? (Select up to 5.)

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* 6. How do you see your housing needs changing in the next 10 years? (Select all that apply.)

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* 7. What community or Town services do you anticipate you or your family needing in the next 10 years? (Select all that apply.)

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* 8. Do you think the Town should invest in the following areas?

  Yes, invest significant additional funding. Yes, invest modest additional funding. Yes, but only through grants or other funding that will not impact taxpayers. No, current funding levels and service levels are sufficient. No, the Town should decrease investment.
Acquisition of open space
Recreation programs and facilities
Pedestrian improvements (e.g., sidewalks, crossing signals)
Economic development initiatives to promote tourism and support businesses
Affordable housing development
Traffic improvements along the 302 corridor
Beautification improvements in the village center
Public safety (police, fire, EMS)
Public education and continuing education programs
Other Town infrastructure and services (e.g., roads, water, wastewater)

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* 9. What issues would you most like to see addressed in the Comprehensive Plan?

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* 10. If you had to live in another community other than Naples, where would you live and why?