Student Information

Question Title

* 1. Student Full Name

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* 2. Co-op Start Date


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* 3. Co-op End Date


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* 4. Organization Name

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* 5. Primary Contact

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* 6. Phone Number

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* 7. Email Address

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* 8. Address

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* 9. Organization Website

Question Title

* 10. Brief description of co-op duties and responsibilities

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* 11. Will the co-op be remote or in person? 

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* 12. Name of Supervising Attorney

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* 13. Is compensation provided for the position in the form of a wage, stipend, etc.?

Please take note of our updated salary/stipend policy: if you are a for-profit law firm, business, or company, Northeastern University School of Law requires that you offer some form of compensation to the co-op students you hire. This could be an hourly rate, a weekly rate, or a stipend appropriate for your organization’s size and budget. If you have any questions about how to set an appropriate salary or stipend amount, please contact our Employer Relations Specialist, Dorothy Morgan at

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* 14. What is the pay for this position?

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* 15. Student placements must meet the following criteria to fulfill the co-op requirement:

1) Length of Co-ops:
  (a) JD and FlexJD students work for a minimum of 15 weeks.
  (b) LLM students work for a minimum of 12 weeks.

Note: Exceptions can be made for established fixed-length programs such as law firm summer associate positions, government honors programs, or other established programs.

2) Weekly Required Hours:
   (a) JD and LLM students must work a minimum of 35 hours per week.
   (b) FlexJD students must work a total of 350 hours throughout the co-op, divided weekly per agreement between employer and  student.

3) Co-op job responsibilities must consist of substantial practical legal work such as legal research, drafting, client interaction, courtroom experience where appropriate, or other strategic tasks typical for law student interns.

4) Co-op student must be supervised by an attorney or judge.

5) Co-op student must receive a written evaluation from the supervising attorney at the end of the co-op experience that will become part of the student's permanent academic record.

6) If placement is with a for-profit organization, some form of salary or compensation is expected to be offered.

In certain cases, exceptions may be pre-approved by the Center for Co-op and Career Development to requirements 1, 3, 4 and 6.

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* 16. Equal Opportunity Policy: Please view Northeastern's Equal Opportunity Policy here:

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* 17. I certify that I am an authorized representative of the organization listed above, and that all information submitted here is true to the best of my knowledge.