Pinnacle Employee Services - Client Satisfaction Survey

Thank you for being a PES client!

Our clients’ satisfaction is extremely important to us.  We value your opinion and invite you to complete the following survey so we can make improvements and adjustments to better serve you.

Please note that survey responses are anonymous. You may provide identifying information if you choose to do so but it is not required to complete the survey.
1.Company Name (OPTIONAL):
2.Name of your HR Business Partner (OPTIONAL)
3.How satisfied are you with the following parameters of client service?:
Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
Issue Handling Capability
HR Business Partner Knowledge
Timeliness for Solution
Payroll Specialist Knowledge
4.How professional is the PES team in providing you with solutions?
Not at all professional
Not very professional
Neither Professional or Unprofessional
Adequately Professional
Very Professional
5.Have you checked out our new website and the client and employee tools now available on the website?
6.How can we better service your business goals?
7.Are there any services that we currently don’t provide that would be of interest to you?
8.What is your favorite part of our service?
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered