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Pilgrimage Participant Responses to First Set of Readings
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The Catholic Church has a lot of responsibility for the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Too, the Catholic Church has a definitive stance on the social sin of racism. Was there anything in either the USCCB letter or the Massingale selection that surprised you? Any sources of hope? Of despair?
In the New York Times article by Rachel Swarns, Swarns speaks about how her research and deep understanding of the Catholic slave trade (specifically at Georgetown) influenced her faith. How has your knowledge of racism/slavery in the Catholic Church shaped your own spirituality? How might the history influence our institution going forward?
Shannen Dee Williams’ research, “Subversive Habits,” exposed the dark and largely unknown history of segregation and the exclusion of Black Catholic women from religious communities of white nuns. The Sisters of Selma points this painful history and also relates the story of Catholic women of courage. What stood out for you? How did you react when you learned about this history? What inspired you? Grieved you?
Sr. Thea Bowman is a powerful figure in Catholicism. In the video recording, she spoke powerfully to the U.S. Bishops just before her death. Which part of her speech was meaningful for you? To what extent do you think she broke down racial barriers?