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The American Probation and Parole Association, through funding from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, will be hosting a visit to Pierce County Juvenile Court (probation department) to learn about their innovative practices and contributions to the juvenile justice field.

This is open to probation department leadership at the chief and deputy chief levels. Expenses for this visit will be at no cost to attendees. If you are interested and prepared to take your department to the next level for youth probation, please complete the application.

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* 1. Please provide the information below.

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* 2. How long have you been serving in leadership at your agency?

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* 3. Please estimate how many young people your agency currently supervises?

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* 4. How many youth are currently held in your jurisdiction's detention center(s)?

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* 5. Which areas interest you most about Pierce County? Please select top 3.

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* 6. Please describe why visiting Pierce county would be beneficial to your agency. Please limit responses between 150-300 words.