Question Title

* 1. Please enter your name, organization and e-mail address.

Question Title

* 2. What time would you like to convene your Talk on Thursday, October 5?

Question Title

* 3. What is your topic? Please limit your description to one sentence (25 words or less).

Question Title

* 4. Would you like a facilitator to assist you?

Question Title

* 5. Would you like a suggested discussion format? (Not required)

What now?
1) Confirmations: A confirmation will not be sent. EVERY request for a Philanthropy Northwest Talk will be accepted so the time slot you chose above is yours!

2) Announcing your topic: We will post Philanthropy Interrupted Talks on our website, social media and other marketing channels from now until the conference.

3) Locations: The final location for your Philanthropy Interrupted Talk will be shared on Thursday, October 5 before breakfast. Most Talks will be 10 chairs in a small group in a large ballroom (extra chairs available). It is likely that there may be more than one Talk per room.

4) Use of Powerpoints: We will not be able to accommodate Powerpoint slideshows. Handouts and other resources are fine.

Please contact Lyn Hunter at with any questions. Thanks for participating!