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Globally, a substantial portion of traditional and complementary medicine products (T&CMs) are accessed by the public through pharmacies. Pharmacists are trained to be “the gate-keepers” of drug safety and are trusted by the public. Therefore, it has been proposed that pharmacists are well-positioned to extend their scope of practice and assume a role in ensuring the safe and appropriate use of T&CMs. Currently, professional performance in this area has been reported as suboptimal due to; deficits in pharmacy education, limited or no access to reliable information resources, concerns about the regulation, quality, and safety of T&CMs, and a lack of time to engage with consumers about T&CMs use. Further, in most countries, the legal and professional expectations associated with this role are not clearly defined.
The aim of this study is to gather pharmacists’ perspectives from around the world to better define and support pharmacists in this important professional role. It is critical that pharmacist opinions are represented strongly in the development of a consensus process about their professional role in T&CMs. This study is an important step towards ensuring the credibility and applicability of a consensus discussion.
The results of this survey will be used to inform key discussion points in a consensus process and a step towards developing an agreed and defined professional role for pharmacists in T&CMs; and the support required for them to enact that role effectively. This will have implications to the quality and safe use of T&CMs and therefore public health.
The findings of this international study will contribute to the development of an international consensus about the:
• professional role of pharmacists regarding T&CMs.
• support required to enact the role effectively and safely.
Please download and read the Participant Information Statement for further details about this study.
• professional role of pharmacists regarding T&CMs.
• support required to enact the role effectively and safely.
Please download and read the Participant Information Statement for further details about this study.