Do you struggle to navigate and understand your health insurance benefits for a child with special health care needs? Would you like an expert who could work with your insurance company to get to solutions faster so you don’t have to? Would you like help preparing for medical appointments, selecting your benefits, or connecting to community supports and services for your family? A Personal Care Advisor can help reduce your administrative burden, stress, and out-of-pocket costs.

An anonymous funder is partnering with Family Voices to get consumer feedback about a Personal Care Advisor service that can help reduce family administrative burden, out-of-pocket costs, and stress.
Insurance & Services

Question Title

* 1. How is your child with special health care needs/disability insured?  (Check all that apply)

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* 2. What is your child’s primary clinical diagnosis, if known? 

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* 3. What health care services does your child routinely use? (Check all that apply)

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* 4. How much time do you spend each week coordinating care for your child (scheduling and prepping for doctor appointments, dealing with insurance, etc)?

Personal Care Advisor Service Model

Question Title

* 5. Please select how helpful each of the below services would be to you and your family.

  Very Helpful Helpful Neutral Sort of Helpful Not Helpful
Diagnosis-specific expertise
Help finding providers and specialists
Appointment scheduling support
Help preparing for appointments
Help with insurance issues
Help coordinating across multiple benefit types (medical, pharmacy, behavioral)
Help coordinating dual coverage benefits
Connections to community supports
Annual Benefit plan enrollment guidance
Help tracking medical records

Question Title

* 6. Please select the number of times a year you might use the services below. 

  0 1 2 3 4 5 or more
Diagnosis-specific expertise
Help finding providers and specialists
Appointment scheduling support
Help preparing for appointments
Help with insurance issues
Help coordinating across multiple benefit types (medical, pharmacy, behavioral)
Help coordinating dual coverage benefits
Connections to community supports
Annual Benefit plan enrollment guidance
Help tracking medical records

Question Title

* 7. What other service not listed here would you want a Personal Care Advisor to provide?

Current Resources and Support

Question Title

* 8. Where do you go for help managing your child’s health care needs? (Check all that apply)

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* 9. How do you find supports for yourself or your child? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 10. If a Personal Care Advisor service was available to you, would you be interested in signing up?