Pelvic Pain Questionnaire

Question Title

* 1. Please type your name. Surname, First Name

To what extent do you find it problematic to carry out the activities listed below because of pelvic
girdle pain?

For each activity check ( √ ) the box that best describes how you are today.

Question Title

* 2. How problematic is it for you
because of your pelvic girdle
pain to:

  0 not at all 1 to a small extent 2 to some extent 3 to a large extent
Dress yourself
Stand for less than 10 minutes
Stand for more than 60 minutes
Bend down
Sit for less than 10 minutes
Sit for more than 60 minutes
Walk for less than 10 minutes
Walk for more than 60 minutes
Climb stairs
Do housework

Question Title

* 3. How problematic is it for you because of your pelvic girdle pain to:

  0 not at all 1 to a small extent 2 to some extent 3 to a large extent
Carry light objects
Carry heavy objects
Get up/sit down
Push a shopping cart
Carry out sporting activities (leave blank if N/A)
Lie down
Roll over in bed
Have a normal sex life (leave blank if N/A)
Push something with one foot

Question Title

* 4. How much pain do you experience:

  0 none 1 some 2 moderate 3 considerable
In the morning
In the evening

Question Title

* 5. To what extent because of pelvic girdle pain:

  0 not at all 1 to a small extent 2 to some extent 3 to a large extent
Has your leg/have
your legs given way
Do you do things
more slowly
Is your sleep

Question Title

* 6. Interpretation of scores (for office use only)
TOTAL % Disability score: (add up scores________/75)x100 = __________
*note if no response for sex or sport question, reduce to divide by 75-3 for each answer not given*

SCORE range: 0 (no disability) - 100 (highest disability)

Reference: Stuge B, Garratt A, Jenssen H, Grotle M. The Pelvic Girdle Questionnaire: A Condition Specific Instrument for Assessing Activity Limitations and Symptoms in People with Pelvic Girdle Pain. Physical Therapy. July 2011; 91(7): 10961108.