Peer Coaching for Fundraisers Group Interest Form

Peer Coaching groups will be created with no more than 8 people per group. Groups will form based on the information provided below to form cohesive groups. Each coaching session, excluding the Intro, will last 2.5 hours. (1 meet and greet + 6 coaching sessions)
Groups will last 6-8 months and each group is facilitated by a Trained Cognitive Coach. Participation cost is $725 for Nonprofit Network members. $850 for non-members. Once submitted our coach Sharon will reach out to you.

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* 1. How can we contact you?

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* 2. How long have you been in your current position? 

less than 1 year 15 years More than 30 years
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 3. We meet on Zoom - What time works best for you to join a peer coaching group?

  Morning Mid-Day Afternoon None

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* 4. What are you hoping to achieve from joining a peer coaching group?

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* 5. What questions do you have?